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A Letter to You

Hi! Hi! Good morning! *insert tik tok sound* Or... good afternoon/evening if that applies to you.

Sorry, I love that Tiktok. Back to business. I want to finally welcome you to my official author page! *round of applause*

It's been a long time coming. I have been trying to perfect this and learn the ins and outs of this website, so I really appreciate your patience. I am really excited to have this community where I can talk to you all and interact with you. If you are new here or you just discovered me, my name is Charnaye Conner and I am a new author. I released my debut novel in July of 2024 and it is extremely special to me.

I started this series when I was thirteen (13) years old and my family was homeless. I was sitting in a room with one of the people we stayed with and I was throwing around ideas on what I wanted to write. I created Rose and the concept of the book series that day. The series would take on many different forms and go through numerous rewrites over the next fifteen (15) years as I grew into the woman that you see today. Those years included a lot of heartbreak, disappointments, sadness and uncertainty. However, those years also taught me a lot. I grew from every situation and evolved. I am still evolving as I write this letter.

Now you may be asking yourself, why am I telling you all of this. I completely understand. I told you all of that for a few reasons:

  1. I wrote this series to share everything that I have learned in hopes that it resonates with someone. I hope these lessons that I have learned will help someone heal from the things that they don't speak about. I hope Rose's journey and life will show someone that there is hope on the other side of pain. The journey to get there is not going to be easy, but it is possible. Healing is available. And it is possible.

  2. I want to be a different type of author. I want people to know that I am human and I am just like you. I remember when I was younger, it always felt like some of my favorite authors were so far away. I don't mean distance wise. It felt like they were untouchable and that they were so different from me. I want to change that. I want to be more like a friend or a sibling or whatever you want me to be in your life. I want to build a community where everyone is welcome and everyone belongs. Of course I understand that as more books are sold and more popularity comes, this may seem like a silly pipe dream, but my heart is invested in this. This community we are building will always be extremely important to me.

  3. I want you to know how much you mean to me. How special you are to me. Everyone who visits this page and takes the time to read this post. Everyone who buys a book and shares it. You mean the world to me because you have made the little girl in me extremely happy. You made little Charnaye's dream come true. I never thought I'd see the day that this happened. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

If you have reached the end of this letter, I hope you can feel the sincerity in these words. I hope you know that I do not take this for granted. I do not take your support lightly. I hope you know that I am rooting for you. I hope you know that anything is possible. I hope you know that you are loved and special. I hope you know there is a purpose for everything. I hope you know that I love you.

With all love and best wishes,

Charnaye Conner

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